Sunday, 23 June 2013

Still splashing - and I follow in the footsteps of George Harrison

Still splashing - and I follow in the footsteps of George Harrison

I'm conscious that my blog entries are becoming a little less frequent of late - much to the relief of most I suspect. But the idea of this blog wasn't to indulge my ego (well, maybe a little) - it was a running diary of how I was going to take my life on a whole new path and complete 30 things I'd always wanted to do before I hit 30.
I turn 29 in just over a month and I'm conscious there's still a hell of a lot to do - including learn to swim.
If only I could get my head under water I'd be impressed.
Last week I donned the flattering nose clip - I looked ridiculous. But then again this isn't a vanity exercise - and it sort of worked. But I'm still finding myself getting more and more frustrated with myself for not being able to do what the 4 year olds on the other side of the pool seem to do so effortlessly.
I've just come back from my latest lesson at Wombourne Leisure Centre. Clive's on holiday this week so a young lad called Jake stepped in to take the class. I'm now being taught by someone who wasn't even born the first time I started to flounder in the shallow end at Heath Town baths. There's another tick in the self-esteem column.
But persevere I shall. I've still got a year to nail this.
Now I'm hoping my frustration for not being able to swim may be cured by following in the footsteps of George Harrison. I'm putting aside my preconceptions and thinking about trying alternative methods to help me relax. The eastern philosophies of inner peace and harmony could just be the tonic I need. It seemed to work for George and The Beatles...although the mind altering 'herbs' may have played their part too.

Number 17 on my list is to take a yoga class. This may sound weird but I wanted to at least try something that I'd previously been quite dismissive of. Relaxation doesn't necessarily come easy to the Angus's. I think there's some genetically messed up wiring which generally means instead of enjoying the moment we're looking for the next thing to worry about. Not anymore - this is a whole new mind set change. Or is it?

Earlier this week I enrolled in a meditation class. Now, I have fears that I may have to buy the Guardian, eat copious amounts of natural yoghurt and start thinking about a fairer voting system just to fit in here. But meditation, Buddhism and alike work for millions around the world - so why not give it a go? After all, if I can find the key to inner peace then surely I can swim a few lengths of a swimming pool?

The only problem is - after my first session
I came out feeling more screwed up than when I went in. Steve was the Buddhist teacher who was leading the session. He seemed like a really nice chap - but as I was trying to concentrate on my breathing and having my first taste if inner peace in my first meditation my mind wasn't playing ball. Instead of trying to picture a place of tranquillity I was thinking: if Cliff Richard and Vladimir Putin had a love child, I bet it would look like Steve.
After finally overcoming that strange vision I was then re-focussed...only for a fly to enter the equation. I've never wanted to splat a fly with quite so much venom before. It was stopping me from relaxing!!!! There was I, eyes shut,  forcing myself to relax...then came the fly. The best way I can describe it is to look at this picture of Basil Fawlty.
Now I know it's not quite yoga - but it's a start. If I can learn to relax a bit more then I'm sure I'll feel better for it - then I can humiliate myself at a yoga class when an arthritic 85 year old will show the world they're more flexible than me. I might sell tickets for people to watch that one - it will be a hoot I'm sure.
It seemed a bit too obvious to have George Harrison as an outro - so I thought I'd go for this indie-hit from the '90s instead...


Sunday, 9 June 2013

Back in the pool - reluctantly

The last time I blogged about my swimming lessons was in early March. It's now almost three months later and I think it's safe to say I'm not really any closer to donning my pyjamas and leaping majestically into the deep end to retrieve a brick.

With my trip abroad, the new job and generally doing loads of different things, the motivation to rise early on a Sunday morning and head down to Wombourne Leisure Centre has waned somewhat.

I'm expecting to have a similar expression
when I try the nose clip next week
But this weekend I was determined to get back into it. After all, I've only got a year or so to nail this and I can't let this one in particular defeat me. I  may not achieve some of the other things on my list - but there's no way I'm letting this one beat me.

It was good to see Clive again. He looked somewhat startled when I appeared poolside this morning - but then again I'm happy to admit I rarely look my best on a Sunday morning - I'm sure he's not the first person I've startled early on a Sunday (that sounds more sinister than it was supposed to).

There were some new faces in the pool since I was there last. It's always nice to know it isn't just me who can't do it!

One guy called Joe had, up until three weeks ago, never been in a swimming pool. He'd lost a close friend in the water when he was a kid so I guess he'd spent his life avoiding it all costs. Then there was another chap, probably in his late forties. He was telling me that his ex-wife died of cancer a couple of years ago and she was a great swimmer. It was great to hear he's met someone else now - and she's a swimmer too. I think he wanted to finally overcome his fear and have something they could do together. Really interesting to hear people's reasons for why they've never swam or why they suddenly want to do it now.

Now, having not been in the pool for a few months I was more than a tad apprehensive this morning. I actually remembered more than I thought I would. The buoyancy belt is long gone and I only used a float for ten minutes or so. That's when it starting going a bit wrong.

I can move my arms, I can move my legs and I can breathe - but all three together is still causing my brain some confusion. I know it'll take practice - I just can't seem to find the time (or, in fairness, the motivation) during the week to do it. I'm also a bit wary of going to a public swim in case I get shouted for being too slow - or sinking.

Does anyone know a millionaire who's got a pool I can practice in??

The basics are there - I just need to really get my head down and build my confidence. Oh, and stop breathing in half the pool as well - I'm sure that would help. Next week I have to use a nose clip. The indignity just doesn't end does it.

Clive's still really supportive though and if you're thinking about learning - just go and do it. It's a new term next week so if you fancy it, you should pop down to Wombourne Leisure Centre - you'll feel better for it (eventually...probably).

I'll leave you with this. I swim a bit like this spaniel - apart from the diving in and going in the deep end bit...